Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland



Here you can find on-set pictures exclusively from director Michael Simpson's personal collection.

Behind the Scenes of the Blu-ray

Behind the Scenes of the Blu-ray

Here you can view a whole bunch of fun exclusive new videos from on the set of the Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3 Blu-rays.

Still Gallery

Still Gallery

This huge high-resolution still gallery spans the entire Sleepaway Camp 3 movie from beginning to end.

Behind the Scenes Video

Behind the Scenes Video

Exclusive behind the scenes video from Sleepaway Camp 3. Pam Springsteen takes a break to discuss her murders.

Deleted Scenes

Deleted Scenes

The Ole Needle in the face Gag! Check out some deleted scenes here.

Script Excerpts

Script Excerpts

Some of the death sequences ended up being changed to keep the film from being too grisly and having an X-rating.

Daryl Toons

Daryl Toons

One might imagine Riff's hobbies to be things like car-jacking, and burglarizing. Believe it or not, he's a cartoonist!

DVD Cover